
Comedian Does An Entire Set As Jerry Seinfeld Joking about His 17-Year-Old Girlfriend

Earlier this week, a hero re-emerged with a question sitcom fans have managed to evade for nearly three decades.— What’s the deal with Jerry Seinfeld’s early ‘90s romance with a high school senior?

Over the past several days, a nearly four-year-old clip of comedian Jeremy Kaplowitz began making the rounds on Twitter again, depicting a two-minute stand-up set performed entirely in character as Seinfeld joking about his four-year ‘90s relationship with teen Shoshanna Lonstein-Gruss, who was 17 when the sitcom lead was 38.

“Ever notice how girlfriends are always talking about math homework? What is going on with that?” he kicks off the clip, which has garnered more than 1.6 million views on the platform. “A girlfriend’s life revolves around home, they’ve got homework, homeroom and they wanna run away from home and live with their 38-year-old celebrity boyfriends.”

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