
Come Check Out These Hilariously Clueless Youngsters Struggle to Answer Basic Questions

A guy hit the streets to ask some younger people some pretty easy questions that are pretty much universal common knowledge in the United States. For example, 'Who is the current President and Vice President?' 'How many states make up the United States?', 'Who fought in the civil war?', and my personal favorite, a guy in a graduate cap and gown who doesn't know the answer to 'What is 3x3x3?'

Now before you "go in on me" I know that there are many, many super-intelligent young people in our society. There also seems to be a surplus of the "not so intelligent" ones, too. Anyone who has gone to school undoubtedly has learned a ton of stuff that they have forgotten over the years, but usually, that is more obscure information like Who ruled in Spain in 14 BC, not more common information like 'What is the Capitol of the United States?'

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