
Coffee Shop Magician Casually Performs Floating Napkin Trick

This Portland artist and magician casually whips out the floating napkin trick in a coffee shop, while making origami flowers out of napkins. The artist is "Portland legend" Arnold Drake, who often sits at the bookstore and coffee shop Powell's Books for hours, making flowers, and putting on a show for store goers.

Powell now makes his flowers professionally, but he says it all started when a woman gave him a paper flower as a gift while he was working in a car lot. "At that point, I was intrigued because I'd never seen anything like that before," he said during this documentary segment on him by Oregon Art Beat. Since that moment, he has been wowing customers with his skills, art, and wisdom. "Everyone should go find him at Powell's and support his work! one person comments. "He is a local treasure."

Now, Powell lives off of contributions for his work, but he doesn't charge if someone can't pay. "Do you want a flower? If they say yes, well then I'll make a way to give them a flower."

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