
Costa Mesa ‘Incel’ Films Himself Attacking Women With Pepper Spray

A man named Johnny Young has been harassing women in the Southern California community of Costa Mesa. He is a self-described "incel" (involuntary celibate) who has been filming himself harassing women in public.

Very cool indeed! His whole shtick is that he finds attractive women in public and harasses them until they attack him, at which point he "defends" himself with pepper spray.

Yeah you read that right. Oh and he also films himself doing it. So far there have been multiple incidents reported by women who have been attacked by the roaming incel and police have yet to make an arrest. So if you're living in Costa Mesa keep your head on a swivel because you never know if the incel manic is hiding around the corner.

Why would someone do this, you might be asking yourself? Well, for one, attention, and second, we have no damn idea. Really, what has happened to people? And specifically men. We are down bad.

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