
Totally Unprompted, Cleveland Mayor Calls City "Butthole of the World"

In a live stream interview this week, the mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, Frank Jackson, called his city "the butthole of the world" for no apparent reason.

The focus of the interview was on his poor response to protests going on there, and how he could have done better by city residents. The main question was whether Jackson would be willing to divert any police department funding to help out with other city services.

But then, apropos of nothing, he just decided to call Cleveland a butthole. And not just the butthole of America, but the butthole of the entire world.

Maybe this is some genius galaxy brain re-election tactic, but it seems that openly calling your city a butthole wouldn't make anyone want to vote for you ever again.

So what do you think? Is Cleveland the butthole of the world? And if not, where is the world's booty hole? Because it's gotta be somewhere, and when we locate it, I wanna see it.

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