
Entitled Church Group Take Over Flight With Impromptu Worship Services

There are too many Christians on this MF plane! What would you do in this situation? Would you bend the knee and call upon the grace of the almighty to take this plane down? I mean, if you're serious about your faith, what better way to meet your maker than singing songs 30,000 feet in the air?

Or would you tune it out and continue to walk the path of the dammed? Well, we don't have all the answers, whether or not this was a charter flight, or if this church forced their worship songs on unwilling participants. But we do know that the video was originally posted on April 9th by Jack Jensz jr, founder of Kingdom Realm Ministries, an outreach group who have recently been helping fleeing Ukrainian refugees in Europe.

What makes the video funny - or terrible - isn't that the people are Christians, but instead the relatable disdain on the guy in the blue shirt's face.

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