
Chinese Fifth Graders Receive Whole Fish as Reward for Good Grades

In the U.S., if your kid gets good grades or makes the 'honor roll' all they get is a pat on the back and a sticker for their parent's car. Well, in China they do things a bit differently, rewarding overachieving students while a whole fresh fish. 

Depending on how you feel about this that could tell you a lot about how our two cultures differ. For one, you can't drive around town bragging about how smart your child is with a fish tapped to the back of your car. And in the inverse, a family can't eat the product of their child's good grades. 

I wouldn't know either way, as growing up I never received very good grades, but if those grades were rewarded with a pizza or bucket of KFC fried chicken, well then maybe I would have tried harder. 


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