
Clip Shows Devastating Reality Facing Chimpanzees, Don’t F**k with the Majority

As one of the alpha male chimpanzees tries to take control of the group in order to mate, things take a deadly turn.

In the clip which stemmed from BBC Earth, David Attenborough explains that the alpha male must keep order and control amongst the family so that only he can find a mate.

He has a wingman, or a friend that helps him keep guard over the rest of the chimps.

Unfortunately for the alpha, things take a turn when the rest of the group forms a mutiny. They outnumber the two chimps easily, and all hell breaks loose. The chimpanzees break tree branches, launch rocks, and eventually gang up on the alpha. In the end, the cost is his life.

It's something right out of 'Lord of the Flies' but it's reality. It's a stunning into glimpse into a species similar to ours in many ways, but also vastly different.

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