
Chess Robot Grabs and Breaks Finger of Seven-year-old Opponent

A chess-playing robot failed to anticipate the quick responses of a seven-year-old boy, and grabbed his finger, breaking it during a match at the Moscow Open. The robot which was brought out as an exhibition can play multiple games at once and during its game with the young boy who has been identified as Christopher, is one of the best chess players in the under nine grouping in Russia.

Apparently the robot failed to compute the boy's quick responses and accidentally squeezed his finger for he was pulled away by bystanders. Sergey Lazarev, the President of the Russian Chess Federation said in response to the event that, "this is of course bad."

The chess robot pounced when the child made a move without letting the machine finish its turn, according to The Guardian. Sergey Smagin, the VP of the Federation said the child didn't follow the proper safety protocols and that it was the first such instance of its kind.

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