
Cheetah Takes On Sparky the Robot Dog at the Sydney Zoo

Ah yes, the age-old battle between cat and dog... Only this one feels a little more futuristic or perhaps even apocalyptic. Watch as a pair of Cheetahs check out Sparky the Robodog at the Sydney Zoo, in Sydney Australia.

The clip was filmed while testing animal enrichment possibilities using robotics in a Zoo or captivity type of environment. This would be a world's first for Sydney Australia and the RoboEvents (the event's sponsor). It is a new research program to explore the possibilities of using robotic equipment and devices to care for and play with animals. As you can see the Cheetah's aren't too sure what to make of the strange creature in their enclosure. It probably felt like some sort of alien creature to them but they quickly begin to interact with the robot. Luckily neither of them tried to attack or eat the robodog because that would have probably resulted in some expensive dental care for the spotted cats of prey.

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