Check Out This Pianist Turning the ‘Whooper, Whooper’ Burger King Jingle into a Wedding Entrance Song
zachnading Published 01/29/2023
If you haven't seen the latest Burger King commercial or heard the jingle yet, just be ready to have your entire world rocked.
The commercial has taken on a viral life of its own. While NFL player Damar Hamlin was being helped on the field with life-threatening injuries, ESPN cut to the happy-go-lucky Whopper ad for possibly one of the worst transitions in TV history.
The internet took it and ran with it. From NHL goal songs to this Eminem '8 Mile' edit. The 'Whopper, Whopper' theme isn't going anywhere any time soon. So it's only appropriate that Nalu Polancic AKA naluthepianoman gave us his take on the song. And what a beauty it turned out to be.
The commercial has taken on a viral life of its own. While NFL player Damar Hamlin was being helped on the field with life-threatening injuries, ESPN cut to the happy-go-lucky Whopper ad for possibly one of the worst transitions in TV history.
The internet took it and ran with it. From NHL goal songs to this Eminem '8 Mile' edit. The 'Whopper, Whopper' theme isn't going anywhere any time soon. So it's only appropriate that Nalu Polancic AKA naluthepianoman gave us his take on the song. And what a beauty it turned out to be.
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