
CHECK out this Compilation of the Dirtiest Hockey Hits of All Time

Hockey is one of the more fast-paced and action-packed sports of the modern era. Various forms of hockey existed as far back as the middle ages but was more similar to a form of field hockey with curved sticks and a ball was used instead of a puck. Hockey is one of the only sports (besides organized fighting like MMA, Boxing, Kickboxing, etc) that allows players to fight. It's kind of crazy because nearly every other sport will get you a penalty or even kicked out of the game for throwing blows with another player.

In this video compilation, you will see some of the nastiest, hardest, and most diabolical hits the sport has ever seen. From uneven matchups to dirty moves and complete blindsides, these hits left people disoriented, injured, and in some cases out for the rest of the game. So sit back and check out some pure bench-clearing savagery in this collection of monster hockey hits.
Categories: Ouch Wtf Sports

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