
Charlamagne Asks Kamala Harris Who The Real President is and Things Get Awkward

Kamala Harris sat down with radio-host Charlamange Tha God on his Comedy Central show, "Tha God's Honest Truth" for an interview that sort of went off the rails.

For those unaware, Joe Manchin, whom Charlamangerefers to in his question, is a Democrat Senator from West Virginia, who stalled and recently pulled his support of, Joe Biden's Build Back Better act, which has been called a cornerstone of Biden's agenda.

Well, Kamala and her team did like Charlamagne inferring that Joe Manchin was the real president instead of Joe Biden, and pretended she couldn't hear the question. Then Kamala went on to accuse her interviewer of "talking like a Republican". Well, that was awkward.
Categories: Wow
Tags: harris joe biden

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