
Fight Breaks Out After Mayweather-Gotti Exhibition Stopped By Ref

A major brawl broke out after an exhibition match between Floyd Mayweather and John Gotti III was stopped by a referee Sunday night, June 11. 

After the referee ended the fight, John Gotti III clearly wanted more of Mayweather, as he refused to let the fight end and instead began to square up with Mayweather. 

Both fighters' teams flooded the ring and separated the two boxers as their trainers and entourages engaged each other in the ring. 

It's unclear what caused the fight, though afterward, Gotti's sister sent threatening messages to Mayweather's family on social media saying, "I swear on my kids I’m coming for your daughter, it may be 2 years, 3 years from now but I’m coming c–t.”

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