
TV Interviewer Left Speechless after Failing to Shame Carpenter For His "Harmful" Practices

Cameron the carpenter owns live talk TV host Mike Graham in this short but memorable clip, after the host tries to embarrass him with a dumb question.

While doing a segment on Insulate Britain, a climate activist group that had been staging civil disobedience protests around England, Mike Graham attempts to interview Cameron, one of the movement's spokesmen. Coming out of the gates swinging, Cameron implies that he'd rather not be watching Graham's show. Graham then tries to get even with a "gotcha" type question, implying that being a carpenter is not great for the environment. Cameron is ready with calm yet devastating responses, and lets his own silence back the host into a corner. In the end, Graham makes the assertion that you can grown concrete, a statement he has since tried many times to back up.

I'm sure Cameron might have actually had some interesting things to say, had a host been ready to hear them. Instead, we have this minute long clip.
Categories: Wtf Facepalm Fail Television

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