
Carnivore Diet Influencers Are Finally Realizing You Can’t Just Eat Meat

The carnivore diet is one of the dumbest eating trends that the internet has to offer. Fad diets are nothing new — over the years, I’ve seen people go from eating only bananas until they shit their brains out to downing raw milk until they *also* shit their brains out. But these people break the mold by eating only meat and eggs, and sometimes, they’ll risk brain worms to eat all these things raw.

Bad idea? Of course it is — but only in these past few weeks are some of the major influencers in the scene starting to realize it. Paul Saladino, also known as the Carnivore MD, recently gave up the diet after two years when he reported “sleep disturbances, heart palpitations and muscle cramps” alongside lowered testosterone levels.

Now, another carnivore influencer has admitted that he’s adding fruit into his diet, and his commenters are pissed.


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