
Captured Russian Soldiers Claim They Were Lied Too, Told Invasion was "Military Exercise"

Four Russian POWs interviewed by Ukrainian forces claim they were told they were conducting "exercises" and didn't know the full truth behind their invasion of Ukraine until they were put on the front lines and used as cannon fodder. The video was released by the Ukrainian Interior Ministry's Telegram channel and it's truly heartbreaking to see average people used in such useless and violent ways. These people have no fight with the Ukrainian people and the fact they claim they were lied to, implies that the morale on the Russian side may not be as high as Putin would like. Now, with many stories coming out of Ukraine, it is hard to know for certain how legitimate this video is, but if it is true, it's a shocking display of manipulation of the many for the goals of the few. Let's hope this conflict comes to a swift end and that those responsible for starting face the consequences they are owed.
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