
Cameraman Peer Pressures His Drunk Buddy Into Attacking Police, Then Peer Pressures Him Into Escaping

This cameraman peer pressures his drunk friend into attacking an NYPD squad car and then films his fight with the police before encouraging his escape. Despite being the mastermind behind his friend's life-altering mistake, it is his motivating words that give his friend the strength to get out of there.

"Don't let him get away," the cameraman yells to his friend as the cop car starts moving. But once the police have his buddy held up, he's ready to encourage the escape. "He gotta go, let him go!" he tells the cops. "He's a strong man, get out of there! They don't got you!"

"This man got him in and out of trouble with his instigating," one person comments. "He just needed someone to believe in him," someone else says. "Camera guy making sure he gets the content."


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