
Fast Food Workers Fed Up, Throwing Hands to Make Ends Meet

The federal minimum wage has been stuck at $7.25 since 2009. So it's no wonder fast food workers are tossing hands and defending themselves against lunatic customers.

If it seems as though these incidents are occurring more often, you wouldn't be wrong. In this news report from 2019, a Burger King employee received 2nd degree burns on her face, arms, and hands after a customer threw a 250 degree coffee on her.

A separate fight occurred after a man wasn't given a straw with his meal. Instead of reacting like a normal human being, the dude grabbed an employee and tried dragging her over the check-out counter. That is until the worker rained down a storm of punches on the attacker in self-defense.

Maybe next time you're at a fast food restaurant, here's an idea. Don't be an a**hole. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

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