
Bruce Lee's Infamous "One-Inch Punch" Finally Explained

If you grew up watching kung fu movies, you're not doubt familiar with Bruce Lee's iconic "one-inch" punch, in which he would place his hand one inch away from someone's chest before punching the life out of them.

As impressive as the technique was, apparently no one really understood how Lee was able to punch with that much force from such a short windup. Well, some TV dorks took the time to break everything down.

If you want to try to master this move, you need to practice getting your fighting stance and muscle movement into a seamless sequence so you can direct energy from your grounding foot directly into your fist.

Although as the video explains, apparently you may also need to simply have more white matter in your brain to pull this off, so that's kind of a bummer.
Either way, cool to know how this thing works. For more fantastic fight vids, click here.

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