Brother Trolls Sister by Wrapping Her Christmas Gift in 80 Pounds of Concrete
figgyPudding Published 12/27/2022
This brother likes to prank his sister by 'wrapping' her Christmas presents in industrial grade protection. This time, he has decided to encase it in 80 pounds of concrete.
Requiring his sister to really work for her presents, this brother doesn't hold back. The video shows that a previous year's gift came inside of a huge wooden block, and was only accessed through the use of a hammer. This cement gift steps that up a notch, and takes a saw, hammer, chisel, and eventually a sledgehammer to open. To the sister's credit, she takes the prank in stride and uses her tools like a champ to crack open the gift.
After all of her work, it looks like she has been given some Target gift cards. While I'm sure she'll put them to good use, it hardly seems worth the effort. There better be some serious cash on those cards.
Requiring his sister to really work for her presents, this brother doesn't hold back. The video shows that a previous year's gift came inside of a huge wooden block, and was only accessed through the use of a hammer. This cement gift steps that up a notch, and takes a saw, hammer, chisel, and eventually a sledgehammer to open. To the sister's credit, she takes the prank in stride and uses her tools like a champ to crack open the gift.
After all of her work, it looks like she has been given some Target gift cards. While I'm sure she'll put them to good use, it hardly seems worth the effort. There better be some serious cash on those cards.