
British Shoppers Finally Got American Security Devices, and They Really Hate Them

Just wait until you have to call someone to unlock a case for you!

In the past few years, American stores have gotten pretty insane about shoplifting prevention. Sure, the actual rate of shoplifting hasn’t actually increased — the rate of shrinkage that can be attributed to theft has been around 36 percent for years — but it *feels* like shoplifting is increasing, and according to retailers, that’s enough to make you need a key to buy underwear.

Fortunately for much of the world, the restrictive solutions that American retailers have put in place to try to curb theft have, mostly, remained American. However, that appears to be changing.

Recently, British grocer Tesco debuted security gates on its shelves, and so far, the Brits really, really don’t like them, with many questioning whether they even work to stop theft.

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