
British Man Enjoys a Cocktail in Bin on Hottest Day in UK History

"I'm having a cocktail in a bin." If you haven't heard things are heating up in Britain, which just today clocked its highest ever recorded temperature of 40.2°C. That's 104.4°F for those keeping score, which is no laughing matter. But we Americans are used to this sort of excessive heat, and our friends across the pond sadly are not. So what does a fine British chap do to beat the heat? Why not turn your bin (garbage can) into a personal pool?

And that's exactly what this mad lad did.

In what might be the best video we've seen in weeks, a man is accosted for cooling off in his bin while having a cocktail. And he rightfully claps back at his nosy neighbor, "I'm having a cocktail in a bin," he says, putting to doubt any uncertainty that may lie in the matter. And that my friends is beating the heat, UK style.
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