
Boosie Badazz Says People Should Do More Crack — He's Right

"Crack. I'm promoting it!" That's how the rapper Bossie Badazz begins his rant against fentanyl; "a potent synthetic opioid drug." "Fentanyl is killing all the junkies who've been junkies," he says, arguing that he would rather fight against a familiar enemy crack, than what the Drug Enforcement Administration calls "the single deadliest drug threat our nation has ever encountered." According to the DEA, fentanyl "is approximately 100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times more potent than heroin as an analgesic." No wonder it's killing people. 

"When have you ever heard of crackheads hitting a pipe and dying the first time? Bossie argues. "Never!" He has a point. Of the 107,375 drug overdose fatalities in the United States in 2022, about 67 percent of those were from "synthetic opioids like fentanyl," according to the CDC. 

"This fentanyl shit is different," Bossie concludes. "I would much rather crack." 

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