
U.S. Open Beer-Chugger Defends Her Title and Steals the Show

She's back, and she defended her title the only way she knew how.

Meet the living legend herself, Megan Lucky.

In what has definitely become a U.S. Open tradition, all eyes (including the cameras) were on Megan as she once again fulfilled her destiny. Back in 2021, Megan wowed the sports world with her beer-chugging abilities. Not once, but twice that year. The videos went ultra-viral, so it was only fitting that the tennis fan returned this year to defend her title.

The cameras and jumbotron once again turned to Megan, who was back in all of her glory. And again, she did not disappoint. All I'm saying is this guy she's with better lock it down immediately if he hasn't already. Because lord knows there's a line of thirsty dudes just waiting to shoot their shot. Beer-chugging abilities are nothing to be scoffed at. Quite the contrary. It's a rare and special talent. Get after it girl.


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