
Bill Burr's Abortion Cake Analogy Is Both Spot on and Hilarious

Leave it to Bill Burr to tackle a divisive issue head-on. This man is a true godsend. No matter what side of the abortion fence you sit on, you can help but agree with the message Bill gets at here.

And by the reaction of the audience you can tell he found the core issue at hand. Basically, he says this. He gets both sides of the debate and thinks women should have the final say over their bodies. But he also gets that abortion kills babies, as that's the whole point of the procedure.

The golden bit of truth here is how the debate about abortion has devolved into both sides arguing over the "time frame" of abortions.

He aptly compares getting an abortion to someone taking his cake out of the oven. And without spoiling the bit, he is sorta right. However, this isn't meant to solve the debate, but instead to make fun of the flawed logic.

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