
Biggest Foam Plane Kamakazied by Hundreds of RC Planes

The YouTuber PeterSripol was the mastermind behind this awesome event, where hundreds of smaller remote controlled planes took to the skies to try and knock a huge foam plane out of it, in a modern and scaled down version of an epic gun-less dogfight! Constructing the big plane out of cardboard, foam, and many engines, PeterSripo helped the big plane take off and fly with surprising grace for its outward appearance.

With no regard for their own vehicles, the other people at the event flung their planes at the big one, with many hitting home, and one even dislodging the Go-Pro on the big plane for an amazing shot as it fell to the ground. Ultimately the big plane took some damage, but succumbed only to the inevitable force of gravity rather than an impact, in a graceful crash becoming of its legendary flight. It looked like a blast for all involved, and this is the kind of thing that definitely needs a part two.

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