Trucker Swerving off Road to Avoid Head on Collision Captured on Dashcam

The truck driver and Twitch streamer @ChillyWillyNV was involved in a crash after swerving to avoid a head on collision with a car drifting across the divider. The entire incident was caught on his livestream.

While the red car at fault escaped without harm, Willy's truck found itself in a ditch and on its side. Fortunately, Willy himself was able to climb out unharmed. Some ridiculous comments suggest that the car didn't drift over the line enough to warrant such an accident, and one comment even states that he should have just accepted the collision. A few people also take issue with his streaming while driving.

Ultimately Willy's move saved the people in the red car, and I trust that an experienced driver handled the truck to its abilities. As for the streaming, he's watching the road with his hands on the wheel at all times, and now he has some footage for insurance and job security.

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