
Best Buy Employees Stop Robbery with Hall of Fame Defense

Give them all a raise!

Give these boys a shot at the the league. Video has surfaced of a robbery attempt at Best Buy. Big mistake...huge.

Three men quickly find out that they messed with the wrong shift. It's hard to tell but as the video shows, our soon-to-be criminals go after the table models of what we can only assume are phones/tablets. Side note, I never realized how strong those cables are connected underneath these tables. But one of the men finds out real quick that he's not getting away with anything.

Now to the real heroes. We've counted at least 6 employees both blue shirt and black shirt, playing outstanding defense making sure these clowns don't leave the store. I'm just glad that this group of men got to relive the glory days of high school at least for one more day. Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose. The Cleveland Browns could NEVER.

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