
Delusional Woman Says Lyme Disease is an Intergalactic Substance and a "Gift"

The world is full of all kinds of differing opinions on medicine, health and diseases, and treatments of the ailments that afflict us throughout our lifetimes. Most people tend to agree with modern day medicine and science but you have those people on the fringe who think crystals have magical powers, psychics can heal people, and that plants are all you need to cure any disease. In this bizarre clip from "the balanced blonde," these two women have a conversation that contains some of the dumbest things people have said about Lyme disease, possibly ever.

"Lyme disease is a gift, bringing codes from the beginning of time and is not for the faint of heart, it is for the most deeply spiritual people on the planet". Wow, what a nutjob.
Categories: Facepalm Wow Fail

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