
Ballparks Becoming Bone-Palaces as Baseball Becomes Unbearable

This is the second MLB stadium incident in just as many weeks.

Listen, I love a thicc boy in baseball pants as much as the next person, but this is getting out of hand. Last week we had the RingCentral Coliseum incident involving two fans of Oral - I mean Orioles...

And now this week up in Toronto, a couple decided to get nasty in the nose-bleed section. The two fornicators were caught and escorted out of the stadium. No charges were filed.

Let's put all of our cards on the table. Who am I to judge? This honestly looks like the most fun, and maybe this is what the sport needs. Games are still running 3 hours, and you expect fans to NOT get horny? Grow up. I say if you can find privacy in a stadium meant for 53,000 people, then you should absolutely be able christen that section.

If the MLB has a problem with it, here's an idea...SELL OUT GAMES. Baseball purists are gonna hate this, but we're jumping on the ballpark bangin' bandwagon.

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