
‘Barbell Jump Rope’ Is the New Fitness Craze That Will Definitely Kill You

If you’ve ever wondered what goes on in a CrossFit gym, it might be something like this.

While it isn’t a hard-and-fast rule, in general, people say that building muscle requires weightlifting, whereas doing cardio makes you better at, well, doing cardio.

Obviously, things get a little more complicated than this, but if you want a runner’s physique, you’re not going to be eating mountains of chicken breast while hitting lat pulldowns; conversely, you’re not going to get to be Arnold’s size if you hit the treadmill every morning.

But what if you want a little bite from both worlds? What if you want the benefits of cardio while still having the experience of throwing around massive weights? If you’re one of those people, you might want to consider the “barbell jump rope.”

Just kidding, please don’t actually do this.

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