
Auntie Karen Goes off the Rails Ranting about Mask Conspiracies

This woman has enough paranoid energy to be Alex Jones 2.0. The only things stopping her from making that transformation are the scented candles she puts up her butt each morning to help her chill out.

Her video didn't need to be 11 minutes long, but after going off on anyone for telling her to wear a mask in public, she starts bringing up random conspiracy theories until she's totally forgotten why she started filming herself in the first place.

Fundamentally, her worries stem from the idea that anyone would ever tell her to do something in the name of public safety. While her tirade against T.S.A. screenings is reasonable, her idea that the U.S. government is going to start shooting people who don't use their Fitbits enough reveals her true crazy side.

Obviously the reason she's filming this video herself is because her entire family abandoned her and refuses to ever invite her over for Thanksgiving again.

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