
Astronauts Stuck in Space Are Now Hearing Weird, Heartbeat-Like Noises

If these astronauts thought their story couldn’t get any worse, they probably forgot they were flying on a Boeing aircraft.

For those who haven’t been following this story, astronauts who had planned on a brief, week-long trip to space are now finding themselves stuck there for six months longer than anticipated. The reason for this delay was the fact that their craft had thruster failures and helium leaks. Their craft was made by, no surprise here, Boeing. They really can’t get a W these days, huh?

Now, things are getting worse. How? Well, the astronauts are suddenly hearing a bizarre heartbeat in the aircraft, and they managed to get it on recording.

While NASA itself is claiming that this is merely feedback from the craft’s speaker system, I’m on team “there’s an alien on board.”

At least the presence of an extraterrestrial will give them something to talk about for the next six months.

Tags: nasa space wow wtf

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