
Armored Truck Drops Money on San Diego Highway and People Go Crazy

Interstate 5 highway in Carlsbad, Ca was shut down Friday morning around 9:15 am as motorists scrambled to snatch up wads of cash (mostly $1s and $20s) after an armored vehicle dumped an early holiday score. A rear door popped open and a bag of cash fell out and busted open sending bills flying everywhere. CHP officers alongside the FBI said those who took the money need to return it or face charges if caught.

“The CHP would like to thank those motorists who have already returned the money to their local CHP office,” the CHP announced via a news release, “and remind the public to do the right thing and return any money they found on the freeway.”

While how much money flew out of the back of the truck is unknown, a witness on the scene estimated it in the thousands.

CHP has asked anyone who has any of this money to call its Dispatch Center at 858-637-3800. If I were them I wouldn't hold my breath.

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