
Can You Tell the Difference Between a Swedish Jail Cell and a London Apartment?

Are these rooms Swedish prisons or London flats? That's what the TikToker elgueroingles is trying to guess in this fun little game.

Swedish prisons are known for having some of the most luxurious cells anywhere in the world. London on the other hand, like many major cities, is experiencing a property price boom that has left people clambering for affordable pieces of real estate. The result is the rapidly declining living conditions for London's most desperate renters converging with those of the world's most accommodated convicts.

This game goes to show just how close conditions in the two environments really are. Prison cells have the luxury of not needing to cram bathrooms, stoves, and showers into their space, while flats have the benefit of unlocked doors when you want to leave. Wait, the prison cell is free? I'll take it.

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