
Penguins Refuse to Eat Cheap Fish Aquarium Bought to Save Money

You can tell they are not too pleased with their human overlords. Inflation really is a global issue and is now an issue that has even begun to affect other species.

An aquarium in Japan made the decision to buy cheaper fish in order to help save money and when they tried to feed said fish to their penguins and otters, the animals refused and turned their noses at it.

Who would have thought that penguins, the only animals who naturally wear tuxedoes, would be picky eaters? I am shocked.

But all jokes aside, times are tough and money is getting tight, but good luck trying to convey that to a penguin.

Personally, we don't blame them, nobody like eating previously frozen fish, especially a penguin. Hopefully, the aquarium splurges and pays up for the good fish, because these poor penguins do not look too happy. Yikes.

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