
Another Wheel of Fortune Meltdown as Contestants Struggle With Easy Riddle

Another week, another painful 'Wheel of Fortune' clip. Our first question is, where do they find these people? Like really, did they pick this lot of brainiac up at the local 7/11?

Even Pat Sajak can't hold back his astonishment with this lot. The answer is 'renting a pedal boat', which for some might not be as obvious as, 'another feather in your cap', but this poor lady actually threw out a 'w' when the only letter missing was an 'L'.

Our only thought is that there must be some new chemical in the water. That or all these people have worms in their brains, well except for the guy who got the correct answer.

Hopefully this is a new trend because for far too long Wheel of Fortune has been stale, and having contestants on that know absolutely nothing is a nice change for the show.
Categories: Facepalm Wow Fail Television

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