
Another Arsonist Has Lit Themselves on Fire

It’s rare that you get such perfect examples of instant karma. Lucky you, you’re getting two instances in just a few months!

That’s right — just a month after another alleged arsonist set himself on fire, this Australian man went down to his local barbershop and decided to set the thing alight. To do so, he covered the entire thing in gasoline and lit a small flame. However, the thing about gasoline is that it’s really hard to keep in one place. The flame soon jumped from the floor, to the counter, to the arsonist himself, leading to him running out of the shop and rolling around in an attempt to extinguish the flames.

The fire was able to be stopped soon after it started, though the arsonists are still on the run. Be on the lookout for a man covered in burn marks with really bad aim!


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