
Angry Mom Has Seen Enough, Snaps Glasses After Her Son’s Horrible Wrestling Match

Though Iowa wrestler Matt Lee may have lost his match against Purdue’s Matt Ramos, no one walked away with a bigger L than Lee’s mother, who decided to take out her apparent frustration and rage on her glasses.

In the now-viral clip taken during 2023’s NCAA Division championship, Cathy Lee had evidently decided she had seen enough after the brutal match — literally — snatching her glasses off her face and snapping them into tiny pieces after witnessing the spectacular smackdown.

"That's unfortunate to see, but this is what happens here,” one ESPN broadcaster could be heard saying as Cathy shattered her spectacles, noting how there was “so much a stake” during the high-pressure match. “That's a tough moment for the Lee family.”

Considering a pair of frames alone can go for roughly $230 sans insurance, we can only hope she had a backup … either that or she’s very very long on contacts. 


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