
American Influencer Might Get Banned from Australia for Messing With a Baby Wombat

You don’t mess with wombats!

It shouldn’t need to be said, but nature doesn’t exist for your content. If you see an animal going about its business in the wild, leave it alone. You’re free to film it from an appropriate distance, but getting up in its business and messing with it? Just don’t!

Among the many reasons why you shouldn’t do this (apart from “animals can kill you sometimes”) is that many countries really don’t like it. For example, in Australia, one influencer’s attempt to rattle a local beloved animal may get her kicked out of the country.

Sam Jones, a self-described “outdoor enthusiast and hunter,” recently shared a (now-deleted) video to her Instagram page in which she appears to take a baby wombat from its mother and run away with it. As she does, the wombat hisses in distress. Eventually, she puts the wombat back.

Now, she’s getting her visa status investigated. Hope that video was worth it!


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