
'Amber Alert' Interrupts Closing Statements in the Depp vs Heard Trial

You cannot make this stuff up. After six weeks of back and forth, the closing arguments were finally underway in the Heard vs Depp defamation trial when an 'Amber Alert interrupted the courtroom. If this isn't proof that God has a sense of humor we don't know what is. And if you don't believe in eternal beings, then let this be a sign that our universe truly is a simulation.

Heard's lawyer was in the middle of his closing arguments when the ringing noise began to sound. He continued as the noise rang through the courtroom trying his best to ignore it, when the judge chimed and cleared the air by saying, "we have an Amber Alert."

This is the perfect ending to a trial that has gone on for far too long. I know we're all tired of hearing about their failed relationship, and if you don't read or watch anything else from the trial's final days, let this be your sendoff.

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