
Alec Baldwin’s Brother Says Celebs Are Fighting Over the Diddy Tapes

It’s not because they want them released.

One of the things that’s really stuck in the craw of conspiracy theorists is the known existence of Jeffrey Epstein’s videotapes. Epstein was notorious for, among other things, recording basically everything that happened in his houses — so if there really were celebs doing shady and illegal things on his properties, there’s a strong chance that they were caught on camera doing so.

Now, we’re learning that the same thing appears to be true about Diddy. We’ve already heard rumblings that some of these tapes were being shopped around, but now there are allegations that the tapes are causing a bidding war amongst Hollywood celebs, presumably because they want to catch-and-kill any story about themselves doing whatever goes down at a Diddy party.

Keep in mind, the source here is Alec Baldwin’s brother, who attributes this claims to “friends that are attorneys,” so we’re not dealing with the most secure information here. But, let’s be honest, is it really that hard to believe?

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