
Airbnb Owner Calls Police On Middle-Aged Guests for Having a Party Because They Have Food and Balloons

This Raleigh North Carolina Airbnb owner called the police on her middle-aged guests, after suspecting that they were throwing a party. Arriving on the scene along with about 15 police officers, she confronts the main guest, ty_raleighevents, a 53-year-old woman. The guests reveal that they are just having a TikTok game night with their friends. 

The host claims that she used her cameras to see food, balloons, and around 20 people in the house. A photo of the guests together however reveals 10 people. "It's not a party," the main guest says to her. "You didn't hear no music when you came up here." Unfortunately, the host informs them that they will all have to leave the house, without a refund. 

"The fact she was watching y'all is scary," one person commented. "If she didn't disclose the cameras up front that's a huge lawsuit," someone else said. Airbnb guests have been feuding with owners for a while now, especially regarding cameras and unreported guests. But as for calling the police, that seems extreme. As one guest says, "I didn't understand why we needed so many police officers."


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