
AI-Generated Beer Ad Is Proof That AI Thinks Humans Live In Hell

I believe enjoying a nice cold beer is one of this feeble life's greatest pleasures... but you wouldn't catch me drinking anything from this AI-generated advertisement. 

Last week, we shared a video of an AI-generated pizza commercial and concluded that it looked like a messed-up dream. Well somehow, this AI's take on a beer commercial is even worse. It's as if stop-motion claymation techniques were applied to people in real life, except it couldn't even get the basics of drinking right. "Someone spiked the beer with LSD," one person commented. "The story arc from backyard barbecue to apocalypse was pretty cool," said another. 

Whether it's Chat GPT, or impressively convincing fake images, AI is often held up as a limitless technology. But as long as it thinks of beer as the estranged love child of Bud Light and Pepsi, it has a ways to go if it wants to understand life's real pleasures; like enjoying a nice cold one at a cookout. 


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