
Massive Cruise Ship Completely Dwarfs Tiny Norwegian Town

In the quest Norweigan west-coast town of Stavanger, cruise ships are a common sight. The city is smack dab in the middle of its harbor, on coastal hillsides that slope down to the ocean. Stavanger has been a bustling site of international commerce for hundreds of years. From herring fishing to international shipping, the quaint city has always been linked to the sea and what the sea can give. Residents recall about 10 years ago when news of Cruise Ships coming to the port was an exciting development both for the tourism aspect as well as the local economy.

As time marched on, those visits from the cruise lines became more frequent and much larger. Residents of the town have complaints that range from the giant ships completely blocking out the sun and the oceanfront view, pollution in the harbor waters, and even white houses near the port turning gray from soot and smoke from the ships.

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