
Aaron Rodgers is Headed to a Darkness Retreat Where Hopefully the Hat Man Can't Find Him

In an announcement that surprised literally nobody, Aaron Rodgers stated that he is headed to a 4-day 'darkness retreat.'

In his weekly interview slot on 'The Pat McAfee Show', Rodgers claimed that his future was very much up in the air regarding coming back for another season of football. But he hopes to have some clarity after his darkness retreat, which is the most Aaron Rodgers response to a question we've ever heard.

The quarterback who has gone on legendary ayahuasca retreats, orally taken diluted strands of the Covid-19 virus, and allegedly had run-ins with the Hat Man, is now attempting to out-douche himself once again on a four-day mental haul into complete darkness.

"I've had a number of friends who have done it, and had some profound experiences", Rodgers explained. Yeah, like seeing the f*cking hat man! We'll keep you updated on all of Aaron's off-season adventures.

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