
A Timelapse of the Chernobyl Dome Being Put Into Place

The completion of an international project to transform site of 1986 accident into an environmentally safe and secure state.

The Chernobyl disaster was a catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred between April 25-26, 1986 in Pripyat, Northern Ukrainian USSR. It has been considered the most disastrous nuclear power plant accident in history. Here are some photos of the disaster site years later as well as a few from just days after the accident. The city and surrounding areas have been abandoned and nature has taken over with vegetation growing over and through many of the buildings. HBO has recently released a dramatized 5-part mini-series on the disaster.

Like the HBO show? Check out 56 Funny Chernobyl Memes To Help You Deal With the Devastating HBO Show

We also have Actual Footage From the Chernobyl Disaster, Used to Create the HBO Mini-Series 'Chernobyl' that you can watch.
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