
A Kick Streamer and His Crew Got Rinsed in the Streets of Korea

Oh Johnny Somali, when will you ever learn?

If you’ve never been on Kick, hey, good for you. If you have, you probably know the sorts of content you can expect from the site: copyright infringement, public nudity, people losing millions gambling or almost burning their houses down, and loads of idiots crashing their cars.  

One of the biggest nuisances on the site is a man who goes by the name of Johnny Somali. The Kick streamer previously made waves after harassing people in Japan and getting choked out for it (and then arrested on an unrelated charge).

Now, he’s done it again, securing his place as one of few people on the internet who can get randomly jumped multiple times and have people come to a consensus that, for one reason or another, he probably deserved it. Here’s what that assault looked like.

Categories: Ouch People & Lifestyle

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