
A Japanese Politician Was Just Attacked With a Machete

NHK Party leader Tachibana Takashi says he’s fine, but will likely need a skin graft.

Japan is keeping pace with the U.S. in terms of bizarre assassination attempts. We’ve got Luigi Mangione, they’ve got a guy who 3D-printed a gun and shot the former prime minister, with both acts receiving a surprising amount of public support.

Earlier today, the leader of the NHK party, which was a party founded under the sole idea that you shouldn’t have to pay a TV license, was taking photos with supporters when one guy waved, bowed and then struck the leader over the head with a machete.

Takashi says he’s fine, and the attacker was arrested. The party is pretty niche, so we have no idea what his motivations were. Maybe he’s just a big fan of public broadcasting!

Categories: Wtf News Politics

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